1) Search on legislation from a topic

(Click on the picture to magnify it.)

E.g. We want to search for the topic about "noise"

1. Go to the “Full Search Form” of HKLII (http://www.hklii.org)

2. Enter “noise” as the query and select “All in Legislation” in HKLII Database. If we want to carry out a more specific search query,

3. Go to the “Full Search Form” again.

4. Enter “noise AND music” as the search query and choose "this Boolean query” as the search type to narrow the result.

5. Select “All in Legislation” in HKLII Database to make sure that you are searching over legislation only. Then, the search result will be shown.

2) Search on Case law from a topic

(Click on the picture to magnify it.)

(Click on the picture to magnify it.)

E.g. search cases about "noise"

1. Go to the “Full Search Form”of HKLII (http://www.hklii.org)

2. Enter “noise” as the search query and select “All Cases” in HKLII Database to limit your search to case law databases on HKLII.

3. Go to the “Full Search Form

4. Enter “noise AND music” as the search query and choose "this Boolean query” as the search type to narrow the result. 5. Select “All Cases” in HKLII Database to limit the search on case law.

3) Using Noteup

E.g. search inside "Noise Control Ordinance"

1. First, go to the Noise Control Ordinance in HKLII (http://www.hklii.org) directly.

2. Then, go to the index page of the Noise Control Ordinance, and click [Noteup].

3. After you click the [Noteup] button, all the legislation and case laws related to and referring that ordinance are shown. In particular, you can use [Noteup] button in a specified section of the legislation.